
Showing posts from May, 2023

IEEE India Council flagship International Conference (INDICON2023)

The 20th Edition of IEEE India Council flagship International Conference (INDICON2023) is being hosted by IEEE Hyderabad Section at the National Institute of Technology, Warangal from 14th to 17th December 2023. INDICON intends to bring global researchers both in academia and industry to the heritage city of the state of Telangana. INDICON 2023 will feature comprehensive technical programs and shall address state of the art topics in the areas of computing, communications, circuits and power systems. INDICON solicits researchers to submit original technical papers in theoretical or applied research on a wide range of topics, but not limited to the following areas. Track 1: AI and Data Science Track 2: Security and Privacy Track 3: Data and Software Engineering Track 4: Machine Intelligence Systems and Technologies Track 5: Next-Generation Computing and Applications Track 6: Robotics and Cybernetics Track 7: Devices, Circuits and Systems Track 8: Control, Instrum...

Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2024

Call for Papers for the Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC) 2024, which will be held on 4th and 5th April 2024 in the historical city of Berlin, Germany. FICC 2024 is dedicated to advancing the latest research and innovations in the field of information and communication, bringing together experts, scholars, and industry professionals from around the world. FICC 2024 aims to provide a premier platform for researchers to share their valuable insights, exchange ideas, and foster collaborations. We invite you to submit your original research contributions and join us in shaping the future of information and communication. We welcome submissions from various disciplines related to information and communication, including but not limited to: Data Science and Analytics Information Systems Wireless and Mobile Communications Communication Networks and Security Big Data and Computing Human-Computer Interaction Artificial Intelligence and Machi...

IEEE International conference ICCUBEA 2023 , Pune

About ICCUBEA : The PCCoE is organizing 7th International Conference on “Computing, Communication, Control and Automation”, ICCUBEA-2023 to provide an international open forum for educators, engineers and researchers to disseminate their latest research work and exchange views on the future research directions ICCUBEA-2023 will be held at Pune, Maharashtra, India on   18th and 19th August 2023   with a focus to target the research on emerging technologies. ICCUBEA-2023 will be a blended version of conference wherein online as well as offline presentations mode will be there considering social distancing guidelines. ICCUBEA-2023 Technically   co-sponsored by IEEE (Conference Record Number 58933). Call For Paper (CFP) Original contributions from researchers, academicians, industry experts and students addressing state-of-the-art research and describing their original, unpublished, research work which is not currently under review by another conference or journal and are inv...


IEEE WINTECHCON 2023  ==================================== The fourth edition of   IEEE WINTECHCON 2023   organized by IEEE Bangalore Section, IEEE CAS Bangalore Chapter, WIE AG Bangalore Section is being held on   September 21, 2023,   at Leela Palace, Bengaluru as a physical event. Theme:   Emerging Technologies from Silicon to Software for a Sustainable Future . Abo ut The Conference WINTECHCON (Women in Technology Conference) is a technical forum for women leaders across the world to present their work in emerging areas. The conference is managed by senior women technologists from leading companies across the world in the space of semiconductors and electronic systems. The last edition of the conference, WinTechCon 2022, successfully brought 500+ senior women technologists under one platform focusing on deep technology work in both silicon design & system software domains. This year the conference goes in-person and has lined up exciting Keynotes, p...

IEEE International Conference on Networks, Multimedia and Information Technology (NMITCON)

  IEEE International Conference on Networks, Multimedia and Information Technology   (NMITCON) Greetings from Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru! We are delighted to inform you that AICTE Sponsored   IEEE International Conference on Networks, Multimedia and Information Technology   (NMITCON)   is being organized at   Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru , INDIA during   1 st   and 2 nd , September 2023   in association with IEEE Bangalore Section. The conference provides an exceptional opportunity for deliberation of latest trends and technologies in the design, application and development of Information Technology. It also creates a forum for young researchers to find the potential research problems and prospects in their respective research areas. We invite you for submission of un-published research contributions to this conference in the following areas, but are not limited to, the following: TRACK 1:   ...

IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2023) in Singapore

  IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2023) in Singapore   Dear Friends and Colleagues, The organizing committee cordially invite you to submit papers and proposals for invited/special sessions to the 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES). The Conference will be held from October 16-19, 2023, at Marina Bay Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore. IECON is the flagship annual conference of IES. It aims to create a forum for scientists and practicing engineers throughout the world to present the latest research findings and ideas in the areas of Industrial Electronics, and possible contributions toward sustainable development and environment preservation. Regular sessions within the scope of the following topics, but not limited to: I. ENERGY Power Systems and Smart Grids; Electrical Machines and Industrial Drives; Power Electronic Converters; Smart Building Technologies; Renewable Energy and Energy Storage Systems; Transportation Ele...

IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC- 2023)

IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (HTC 2023) - A flagship conference of R10 IEEE organized and hosted by the IEEE Gujarat Section. The event will be held at Marwadi University, Rajkot, India from 16th to 18th of October 2023. 2023 IEEE HTC will bring together technologists, research scholars, engineers, scientists, investors, and representatives from NGOs, governments, academia, and industry. The conference will promote discussions and development of Electrical, Communication, Computing, Security, and Disaster Relief areas in general and other evolving engineering fields like AI, ML, IoT, etc. focused on addressing the humanitarian challenges under the conference theme, "Artificial Intelligence and Smart Technology for Humanity". It will have plenary talks, keynote addresses by reputed academicians, tutorials & workshops by domain experts, research paper presentations, events for Women in Engineering and Young Professionals, sessions on entrepreneurship and inn...

IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP)

IEEE TENSYMP 2023 CANBERRA 6-8 September 2023  =====================================================================  TENSYMP 2023 is in HYBRID FORMAT YOU CAN JOIN ONLINE TOO !!  The IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP) is a flagship annual conference organized by the IEEE Region 10 (Asia Pacific). TENSYMP 2023 will be held in Canberra, Australia from 6-8 September, 2023. TENSYMP brings together research scientists, engineers and practitioners from across the region and the world to share their latest ideas advancing technology for humanity. The theme for 2023 is ˜Technology for an Autonomous World."  Click:   An autonomous world is transforming industries ranging from automotive, aerospace, insurance to healthcare. The technological innovations in self-driving cars, environment-aware robots and intelligent buildings are becoming a reality and changing our world. Autonomous technology must operate at a high level of performance and re...