IEEE India Council flagship International Conference (INDICON2023)

The 20th Edition of IEEE India Council flagship International Conference (INDICON2023) is being hosted by IEEE Hyderabad Section at the National Institute of Technology, Warangal from 14th to 17th December 2023. INDICON intends to bring global researchers both in academia and industry to the heritage city of the state of Telangana. INDICON 2023 will feature comprehensive technical programs and shall address state of the art topics in the areas of computing, communications, circuits and power systems. INDICON solicits researchers to submit original technical papers in theoretical or applied research on a wide range of topics, but not limited to the following areas. Track 1: AI and Data Science Track 2: Security and Privacy Track 3: Data and Software Engineering Track 4: Machine Intelligence Systems and Technologies Track 5: Next-Generation Computing and Applications Track 6: Robotics and Cybernetics Track 7: Devices, Circuits and Systems Track 8: Control, Instrumentation, Signal Processing and Multimedia Track 9: Antenna, Microwave Techniques, Communications, Networks and IoT Track 10: VLSI and Nanotechnology Track 11: Power, Energy and Power Electronics Track 12: Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare Technologies Track 13: Smart & Sustainable Energy Solutions Track 14: Education Technologies Track 15: Women* in Engineering (*First author should be female and paper shall be any of Track 1 - Track 14) Important Dates (All deadlines are 11:59 PM IST) Call for Papers......................................................12 April 2023 Call for tutorials and special sessions..............................19 April 2023 Last date of Submission for Regular Papers...........................15 June 2023 Last date of Submission of Live Demo, Poster Papers, Doctoral Symposium Papers.......30 June 2023 Notification of Regular Paper Acceptance.........................................15 September 2023 Notification of Live Demo, Poster Paper Acceptance................................30 September 2023 Author Registration................................................................15 October 2023. Conference Dates...................................................................14 - 17 December 2023 Submission link Active researchers are requested to submit their original research papers in IEEE format through: For more information on the submission guidelines and conference themes, please visit [Conference Website]. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at


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