Call for ICASSP 2025 Special Sessions! Submit your Proposal by 8 July 2024.


The 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) invites proposals for Special Sessions! The 50th ICASSP will be held in Hyderabad, India, from 6-11 April 2025 


The organizing committee invites proposals for sessions on:

  • New and emerging topics across all signal processing subdisciplines,
  • Novel use of modern technology for signal processing education, and
  • Historical perspectives documenting the development of the signal processing field, together with futuristic outlooks for where the field is

The third category is in honor of the 50th anniversary of ICASSP which will be celebrated at next year’s conference and will provide opportunities to highlight connections between what has shaped the past, present, and future of the Signal Processing Society.


Submit your Special Session proposals by 8 July 2024 to be considered. Learn more about the submission requirements and guidelines below.

Proposal Submission


Each session proposal should include an abstract together with a background and justification paragraph, where the session organizers elaborate on:

  • The motivation behind the special session,
  • The quality and potential impact of the committed papers in the proposed session, and
  • The technical committee most closely allied with the proposal.

The complete proposal should be limited to no more than 3 pages. A special session is expected to address topics that may not naturally arise out of the regular submissions to the conference through the technical committees. The justification for the proposal should explain why a special session is needed to address the proposed topic.


No individual can appear as an author or co-author on more than one paper in a single special session. ICASSP 2025 will require an in-person presentation of all accepted papers.


Important Dates 

  • Submission Deadline: 8 July 2024
  • Acceptance Notification: 25 July 2024
  • Paper Submissions: 9 September 2024


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