IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON 2025,)

 It is our pleasure to inform you that the 3rd International IEEE Applied Sensing Conference (APSCON 2025, will be organised in the IIT Hyderabad campus in India during January 20-22, 2025!

IEEE APSCON is a rapidly growing conference owned by IEEE Sensors Council ( and it intends to provide a forum for scientists, engineers and practitioners to present their latest research findings, unique ideas and novel applications in the area of applied sensing.


The IEEE APSCON 2025 will have plenary talks ( by eminent researchers, including:

  • John Rogers, Northwestern University, USA
  • Aude Billard, EPFL, Switzerland
  • Stephen Brewster, University of Glasgow, UK.


Further, the technical programme will include invited presentations and industry professionals as well as talks based on papers reporting the latest findings in the field of interest of the conference. In relation with latter, IEEE APSCON 2025 invites original, not exceeding 4 pages, research papers (not being considered for publication elsewhere) in standard IEEE conference template ( on applications of sensors and sensing techniques in one of the following eleven tacks (but are not limited to):


  1. Agriculture and Food Technology
  2. Surface, Air, and Water Transportation
  3. Medical and Digital Healthcare
  4. Industry 5.0, Manufacturing and Automation
  5. Environment and Infrastructure Monitoring
  6. Robotics and Digital Twin
  7. IoT, Wearables and Immersive Technologies
  8. Smart Cities and Villages
  9. Sensors Interfaces and Sensors Analytics
  10. Quantum Sensors and Emerging Technologies
  11. Other Novel Applications


In addition to above, the organising committee of the conference also welcomes the proposals for special sessions on topics related to the field of interest of the conference.


Additionally, the conference will have exclusive sessions on topics such as, Sensors Startup Summit, Sensors Standards Opportunities, TED-type talks by industry experts, Panel Discussions, Students Research Forum, Live Demo etc. in this conference.



  • 1 June 2024:  Paper Submission Opens
  • 21 June 2024: Special Session Submission Closes
  • 4 August 2024:  Paper Submission Closes (Option B: for Direct to Sensors Letters)
  • 31 August 2024:  Paper Submission Closes (Option A: Submission to the conference)
  • 31 October 2024:  Notification of Acceptance
  • 30 November 2024: Author Registration Closes


All submissions must be made online from EDAS portal ( These will go through a peer review process if they do not contain plagiarized material (including self-plagiarism, find IEEE Policy on Plagiarism) and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (multiple submissions, find IEEE Policy on Multiple Submission). Conference Organizers will strictly follow IEEE guidelines on such matters. Accepted and presented papers that meet IEEE's quality standards will be published in the conference proceedings.



Authors get two options of submissions:

Option A: to the conference through EDAS portal (

Option B: direct to the IEEE Sensors Letters through ScholarOne manuscripts (


Papers submitted via Option B will be reviewed by the editorial team of IEEE Sensors Letter and published in this journal, if accepted. Authors of such papers are expected to present their work during APSCON 2025, provided the topic aligns with the scope of the conference. The papers that are not accepted under Option B may be submitted via Option A after appropriately addressing reviewers' comments from IEEE Sensors Letters. These papers will be reviewed by the conference's technical program committee for quality and scope. If accepted, the authors will be able to present their work during the conference. Such papers, as well as other submitted and accepted via Option A will be published in the Conference Proceedings.


There are other exciting news for the authors of APSCON 2025:


  • One "Best Paper Award" from each track among the presented papers which uses a dataset of IEEE Data Port ( for analysis will be announced.
  • "IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation (J-ISPIN," announces to waive off the APC of best 2 papers of the Special Session on "Indoor Navigation".
  • IEEE JSAS ( announces to waive off the APC (of $1995) for one selected paper each from of the following two tracks of APSCON 2025: (1) Industry 5.0, Manufacturing and Automation, (2) Robotics and Digital Twin, provided authors of these papers submit an extended version of their papers to its Special Issue on "Industry 5.0 with Human-Robot Interaction/Collaboration" (shortly to be announced at
  • Two awards each for Best Lecture Paper and Best Poster Paper (of Option A) will be announced.
  • One Best Live Demo Award will be announced.


For detail on these opportunities, please visit 


Keep visiting our website ( for more updates.


Looking forward to your enthusiastic contribution in APSCON 2025.


Enakshi Bhattacharya and Ravinder Dahiya

General co-Chairs


Anil Roy and Thilo Sauter

Technical Program Committee co-Chairs


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