Late Breaking News Submission Deadline Approaching
January 28, 2025:Late Breaking News Submission Deadline February 14, 2025: Late Breaking News Acceptance Notification March 3, 2025:Full Paper Submission Deadline March 3, 2025: Early Registration Deadline
Has your research generated exciting new
findings in sensors research over the past few months? Use the Late
Breaking News mechanism to share your findings to the worldwide
community at IEEE INERTIAL 2025.
Publication of a Late News research in the Proceedings of the IEEE INERTIAL Conference
Submission Deadline: January 28, 2025
Email submissions will NOT be accepted.
you are making multiple submissions, you only need to create one web
account. Use the same account (Username & Password) for any
additional submissions.
If you need to resubmit your paper, it may be done up until the submission deadline.
Author information may not be changed after the initial paper submission paper passes
submission will be reviewed by the conference Technical Program
Committee and decisions made through the regular conference peer review
Paper Specifications
our conference paper templates (OPTION C) to meet formatting
requirements below. Your paper must comply with the following
Abstract Length: 2 pages, 2-column IEEE standard template for conference proceedings. The abstract length should not exceed 2 pages. See the template.
File Format: Adobe PDF (.pdf)
Do NOT apply security settings to your PDF file.
Note: Deviations from the above paper specifications could impede the review of your paper and result in rejection.
Topics of Interest
Sensors Phenomena & Modeling
Sensor Systems & Electronics
Quantum Sensors – Photonic, Atomic & Solid-State
Manufacturing and Packaging for Improved Performance
Submissions and Paper Specification Information
organizing committee IEEE INERTIAL Conference invites authors to submit
papers for presentation at the IEEE INERTIAL Conference. Submitting
authors can choose between two options, resulting in a different
publication outlet, if the paper is accepted:
OPTION A: Submission of a manuscript in IEEE Sensors Letters (Deadline: September 30), or
OPTION B: Submission of an abstract for the IEEE INERTIAL Proceedings (Deadline: October 10), or
OPTION C: Submission of a Late News Abstract for the IEEE INERTIAL Proceedings (Deadline: January 28)
note that authors may not submit the same work to BOTH the IEEE
INERTIAL Conference site and to IEEE Sensors Letters, as this will
violate the IEEE’s self-plagiarism clause and the authors will likely be
subjected to serious consequences. Below are details of either option
to aid decision and plan appropriate action.
OPTION C: Publication of a Late News research in the Proceedings of the IEEE INERTIAL Conference:
Email submissions will NOT be accepted.
you are making multiple submissions, you only need to create one web
account. Use the same account (User name & Password) for any
additional submissions.
If you need to resubmit your paper, it may be done up until the submission deadline.
Author information may not be changed after the initial paper submission paper passes
submission will be reviewed by the conference Technical Program
Committee and decisions made through the regular conference peer review
Paper Specifications
our conference paper templates (OPTION C) to meet formatting
requirements below. Your paper must comply with the following
Abstract Length: 2 pages, 2-column IEEE standard template for conference proceedings. The abstract length should not exceed 2 pages. See the template.
File Format: Adobe PDF (.pdf)
Do NOT apply security settings to your PDF file.
Note: Deviations from the above paper specifications could impede the review of your paper and result in rejection.
Deadline to submit: January 28, 2025
OPTION A: Publication in IEEE Sensors Letters:
Authors whose papers are focused specifically in the area of inertial sensors and applications
may consider submitting such work directly to IEEE Sensors Letters
journal. When submitting such papers, please use the following linkand use the following template
of IEEE Sensors Letters journal. During the submission, please choose
“IEEE INERTIAL” as the article type from the dropdown list. This will
allow us to rapidly identify these special papers and quickly activate
the regular peer review process for IEEE Sensors Letters so that it will
be completed in time for the decisions on the final program. Authors
of submissions which are accepted for publications in the IEEE Sensors
Letters will be asked to present their work at the conference in a
dedicated session. Papers that are submitted to IEEE Sensors
Letters, but not selecting this option, will not be considered for the
IEEE INERTIAL Conference and will likely be reviewed and published (if
accepted) through the normal journal review process.
authors opt for OPTION A, and their paper is rejected by IEEE Sensors
Letters before the deadline of the conference submission (Option B),
they can submit an abstract (or a revision thereof) to IEEE INERTIAL as a
conference or late news paper. Note that a timely decision by the
journal editors cannot be guaranteed, as this is depending on reviewer
response times during the journal's review process.
Note: Conference organizers and the journal editorial board are not responsible for author oversight.
OPTION B: Publication in the Proceedings of the IEEE INERTIAL Conference:
Email submissions will NOT be accepted.
you are making multiple submissions, you only need to create one web
account. Use the same account (User name & Password) for any
additional submissions.
If you need to resubmit your paper, it may be done up until the submission deadline. Author information may not be changed after the initial paper submission paper passes
submission will be reviewed by the conference Technical Program
Committee and decisions made through the regular conference peer review
Paper Specifications
Use our conference paper templates(OPTION B) to meet formatting requirements below. Your paper must comply with the following specifications:
Length: 1 page for text (approximately 600 words) + 1 page for images
and captions only. The abstract length should not exceed 2 pages.
References can be placed in either page. See the template.
Paper Size: US Letter (8.5" x 11") or A4 (210mm X 297mm)
Fonts: Embed ALL fonts in your PDF file. Avoid the use of Type 3 fonts.
File Format: Adobe PDF (.pdf)
Allowed File Size: 5.0MB
Do NOT page number your paper
Do NOT apply security settings to your PDF file.
Note: Deviations from the above paper specifications could impede the review of your paper and result in rejection.
Deadline to submit: October 10, 2024
Additional Requirements
If your paper is accepted for publication at this conference, you will also need to adhere to the following requirements:
policy requires you to file a copyright release for each accepted
submission. Without a copyright release on file, your paper CANNOT be
published. Further instructions will be included in your decision email.
REMINDER: At least one author per accepted submission must be registered AND attend the conference to present their paper.
reserves the right to exclude any accepted paper from distribution
after the conference (including, removal from IEEE Xplore) if the
accepted paper is not presented at the conference.
authors would like to post their papers electronically on any website,
any FTP site, or any other electronic dissemination technique, they must
include the IEEE Copyright notice on the initial screen displaying the
IEEE-copyrighted material.
accepted contribution to IEEE INERTIAL 2025 must be accompanied by a
signed Copyright Form. The copyright form should be filled out and
signed by one author, preferably the primary author.
Greetings from IEEE Pune Section, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune (Deemed to be University)!!!!, We are pleased to announce that the 7th IEEE Pune Section International Conference [IEEE PuneCon 2024] (IEEE Conference Record #63413, Conference ISBN: 979-8-3315-2783-9) scheduled during 13th-15th December 2024 in hybrid mode at Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune (Deemed to be University). About IEEE PuneCon-2024: IEEE PuneCon is the flagship conference of the IEEE Pune Section. The 7th edition is jointly organized by the IEEE Pune Section and DIAT. All accepted, registered, and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE for possible inclusion in the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Theme of the Conference: Sustainable Secure Digital Transformation. For More Information, visit: Conference Website: https://punecon. Earlier IEEE PuneCon Publications Proceedings and also Scopus Indexed xpl/conhome/182...
Upcoming scopus indexed conferences in India The Fourth International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence, ICETCI 2024 will be held at Mahindra University, Hyderabad on Aug 22-24, 2024 . This is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) as in the prior editions . This conference aims to highlight the evolution of topics, frontline research and multiple applications in the domain of Computational Intelligence, from the mainstream foundations to novel investigations and applications. The conference comprises of one day of tutorial sessions followed by two days of Keynote Lectures by invited international experts from Industry and Academia, and technical paper presentations. Also, the conference hosts several special sessions on emerging technologies and applications related to computational intelligence. In addition to tutorials by experts from the academia, the conference is also expected to have ind...
We are delighted to announce that the IEEE Kharagpur Section will organize the 21st edition of INDICon (IEEE conf. no. #63790) at IIT Kharagpur from December 19th to 21st, 2024. Over the years, INDICon has evolved into the most esteemed conference in India within the domains of Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electronics and Communication Engineering. The inaugural session was held at IIT Kharagpur in 2004. Once again, the IEEE Kharagpur Section, in collaboration with the India Council, will be organizing INDICon 2024 at the IIT Kharagpur campus. This conference is the flagship annual international event of the IEEE India Council. We are currently accepting manuscript submissions and invite your active participation. All accepted and presented papers will be published in IEEE Xplore. Please review the attached 'Call for Papers' for more details. Technical Tracks ⮚ Artificial intelligence and data science ⮚ Computer Architecture and Embedd...
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